International Program
Preparation course for the Peace Seminar in Korea
Two people from Japan will be participating in the Peace Seminar in Korea from July 6th to July 16th. We are hoping that the participants will learn many good things from this seminar. In addition to the 11 days of the seminar, the participants will have a preparation course, which started on April 21 and consists of 5 sessions. They must also complete assignments in order to participate. So far, 2 assignments have been completed and they are on their way to completing the goal.

This preparation course is part of the Scranton Women’s Leadership Center online study program and it is also a forum in which participants from various countries can exchange ideas. The materials being used for this preparation course allow us to think about peace from multiple perspectives.
“What roles can we take on to create a peaceful society?” This course is giving us a chance to gain a deeper understanding of what this means.