

Our New Intern

We are happy to introduce our new intern, Seika Kimizuka. She will be assisting with the Young Women’s Leadership Development Program in Indonesia.

Here is her message:
“Ever since I participated in the Young Women’s Leadership Development Program in 2015 in Cambodia, I have had a strong interest in empowerment. This was the first time I had been to a developing country and the first time I came in contact with child labor and poverty. What I learned in Cambodia made me think about ways people could escape from poverty without having to rely on aid or assistance. I met many people of different nationalities and wondered why God created me as a Japanese woman as well as how I can live my life as a Christian woman and apply myself towards a solution to social issues.
After the program, as I continued to think about “solutions to social issues” and my life as a Christian woman, my purpose became clearer. I felt that doing this internship for the Leadership Program in Cambodia would help me progress on my path. I am looking forward to approaching this program from a different point of view from when I was a participant. I hope that my previous experience will help me support the participants both mentally and spiritually. I am truly looking forward to this experience. “

Welcome, Seika!