Leadership Seminar in Myanmar *PART 2*

Day Three
Today we focused on bible study and listened to lectures on topics such as leaders in the Bible, equality and gender roles in the Bible and had a workshop on leadership theory used by the Methodist church.
Please read Ms. Yoshimura’s reflection of the day:
November 17th was an all day bible study. In the morning, we reflected on having spiritual beauty and courage that is based on faith. Through this, I felt that I was given direction for exerting leadership in order to fulfill my mission. In the afternoon, we had a workshop on understanding equality and gender roles in the Bible. The most memorable part was the last half. There are many cultural similarities between Asian women, such as being a patriarchal society, and I felt that there is much we can learn and much to improve. We looked at several women from the Bible and discussed how they showed leadership through their faith. We split into small groups and at the end of the workshop, each group did a mini-presentation. Everyone has their own interpretation of the Bible and it was a good learning experience to see things from other perspectives. I felt that through this group discussion, I was able to gain a deeper understanding of the other participants.
During the country sharing session after dinner, the women from Hong Kong, Indonesia and Taiwan gave their presentations. It was wonderful to watch their dancing, listen to their music and watch videos of famous sites in those countries.
Chie Yoshimura