バングラディシュに寺子屋を作る話 Lecture on Basic Education in Bangradesh

Since the start of the Sunflower Education Project in 1990, Dr. Mina Malakar has been aware of the importance of basic education. Dr. Mina Malakar has served society as a local medical practitioner and for the last decade, her group has been working in the field of education, health, emergency relief and rehabilitation, disaster management and environment, particularly focusing on the children and women from the poorest families in the slums and rural areas. Now the group has been renamed as the Basic Development Partners (BDP) and has become even more active.

On May 12th, we welcomed Mr. Mr. Albert Malakar, the secretary of BDP. He talked about how primary schools are operated and how those schools are serving for education of children in local communities. It was also very impressive that female teachers of the schools are also contributing improvement of women’s positions in the society. It is also meaningful to teach for women themselves as it significantly contributes to their self esteem.