Speech by a former child worker

2014年3月28日、フィリピンで人身売買は子どもの人権問題に取り組むプレダ基金。実際に人身売買の被害にあい、現在、プレダ基金に保護されている17歳の少女とご自身も人身売買の被害者で、現在は、プレダ基金のスタッフとして、若年被害者のケアに取り組むソーシャルワーカーのお二人が、日本で児童労働問題に取り組むフリー・ザ・チルドレン・ジャパンの招へいで来日し、Wesley Foundaitonで講演会をしました。
On March 28, 2014, a teen-age-former child worker, who was victimized through in human trafficking and later rescued by Preda Foundation came to share her experiences and speak out on behalf of other victims. Free The Children Japan, a youth empowerment and anti-child labor organization in Japan has invited this young woman and a social worker, who was also rescued by Preda from slavery, shared how they support the younger generation at Preda.

About 30 audience attentively listed to the reality of human trafficking in the Philippines, the personal stories of these young women, and how Preda rescues victimized girls and socially rehabilitates them were reported. A participant appreciated speakers’ “braveness and strength.” The social worker especially was amazed with her strong intention “to work as a social worker for sexually abused children and to stop CSEC by sharing her story.” A female university student also expressed her gratitude for their braveness to stand up and speak in front of us. “I realized that I need to learn more and take actions to solve the problem.”