シンガポール リーダーシップトレーニング
World Federation in Singapore

2014年3月26日から29日にかけて、シンガポールでWorld Federation of Methodist & Uniting Church Womenというアジア女性の修養会がありました。Walking in the Spiritをテーマに、香港、インドネシア、韓国、フィリピン、カンボジア、ベトナム、モンゴルなどアジア12か国のクリスチャン女性の集まりに、日本からも4名が参加、信仰と交わりを深めました。
The World Federation of Methodist & Uniting Church Women took place from March 26 to 29, 2014 in Singapore. Under the theme of “Walking in the Spirit”, Christian women from 12 countries in Asia including Hong Kong, Indonesia, Korea, Philippines, Cambodia, Vietnam, and Mongolia got together. From Japan, four women including a youth, participated in this international event.

One of main topics for this year was the generation gap. The youth participant from Japan reflected that the “generation gap is such an international problem. It is true that youth has their own complaints and older people have their own. But I’ve never take such situation seriously. That was a big finding for me through the event.” One of the other participants said, “Of course the lectures were very good. But it was even more meaningful for me to be stimulated by this dynamic gathering itself and women from various countries. Now I have to think how I bring what I learned into our everydaylives.”

各国からの「女性たちから受けた刺激を吸収して、実生活の糧としてゆきたい」という参加者の声を糧に、Wesley Foundationでは、今後もこうしたリーダーシップトレーニングの機会を作っていきたいと考えています。
Wesley Foundation appreciated hearing these comments and hope to provide more opportunities for leadership training in the future.