Asian Christian Women’s Leadership Development and Dialogue
40 Christian women from 9 countries in Asia gathered on Sibu Island in Malaysia for a leadership training seminar from September 22nd to 26th. The training at the seminar included workshops, lectures, and fellowship as well as nurtured “hands-on” ideas and experiences needed to lead the church as female leaders.

Many women in Asia continue working even after giving birth to their children. They work from early morning until the end of the day. Therefore, this week long seminar provided the women who attended the precious opportunity to do something purely for themselves. It seemed that these women were really hard-working and quite energetic. At the leadership training seminar, the women earnestly listened to their peers and openly talked about themselves. The women also spent time dancing, laughing, eating, and having fun.

“Though there are only two participants who were in their 20s, it was such an exciting learning experience to meet all those powerful women from the ages of 20 to 70. The fact that most women in Asia have to wake up at 5:30 in the morning to do housework and then leave for work for the day is kind of a shock. It, however, is very inspiring to know that these women are so active with social justice issues as well as nurturing the next generation, ” said a young participant in her 20s.

中日には地元の伝統的な居住区であるlong house をたずね、地元の人々と交流。心づくしのお料理に舌鼓を打ちました。また、教会が運営している共働き家庭のための保育園や同じ建物内で行われている若い女性のための職業訓練所などを訪問、地元の人々の暮らしを肌で感じるとともに、女性たちのおかれている状況を実感する機会をも得ました。多くの出会いと様々な学びを得る貴重な一週間を過ごし、金曜日にはまた全員が元気に最前線へと戻って行きました。
On the third day, they visited a traditional residential area called the Long House in order to have fellowship with residents. The residents kindly prepared a wonderful lunch for the women who were from various countries all over Asia. The women also had the opportunity to visit local daycare centers and a vocational training center where they could learn about the different type of environment that Asian women in Malaysia are situated in. On the last day of the leadership training seminar and before they departed, the women expressed how their hearts were full of the new experiences that they had shared together and how they have been empowered by with other amazing Asian women who were now their close friends.