連続講座 貧困を考える 第一回開催
Lecture Series: Thought on Poverty
On October 8th, 20 people gathered at Wesley Center to hear the first talk in a series of three consecutive lectures, on the topic of “Poverty.” At this first lecture, the director, of Sanyukai, a non profit organization which works with the homeless, spoke on poverty, especially here in Japan.
It was interesting to have had teenagers as well as those in their 70s come to this talk on poverty. Perhaps because of the diversity of ages, Mr. Yui, the director of Sanyukai, was able to lead a stimulating discussion on the issues related to poverty and how it relates to us.

Questions discussed were:
What is poverty?
How is poverty created?
How can we solve the issue of poverty?
Participants expressed their thoughts and opinions on these questions in small groups. Afterwards, we had a lively discussion with the whole group.

According to Mr. Yui, it is critical to “understand” the issue and to “share” what they feel as the first step of solving the issue. A young participant in her 20s realized the importance of connections not only with one’s family but also with communities.
In November, the next session at Wesley Center will be on “Volunteering” so please sign up now to reserve a spot.
For those who are not familiar with Sanyukai, it is a free clinic located in the Sanya area which is a depressed area in Tokyo. Besides the clinic, Sanyukai’s services include an outreach program which distributes food and clothing to the homeless in the area. Homeless members of society can also receive free consultations with professional doctors and nurses. Counseling and acupuncture are also provided when needed. Another aspect of Sanyukai is how it functions as a gathering place for the homeless in the area. Everyday, a large group of people can be found in front of the building, joking and socializing. Most of the homeless people in the area are middle aged or elderly men who are out of work and have no real family. Sanyukai functions as a place where homeless members of society feel welcome and can relax with each other and the volunteer staff.