from Participants: Farming in DMZ 非武装地帯での農作業

Day 2 started with a very excited activity, which is farming! We are even closer to the nature. We ate the fruits directly from the trees. It is really a good activity and exercise to start our day with. Our first session for the day was led by Sunghun Chung who is also led the farming activity. His session title is “All life is all Connected.” His session is simple and interesting. He talked about how we should preserve our environment by a small step that we can do. He told us that there are 4 things to change in our life. 1) Change your way of thinking. 2) Change your lifestyle. 3) Change the social system. 4) Change our civilization. He ended the session with the Korean saying “If a person plants 3,000 trees, that person will go to heaven.”
なんと、二日目は農作業から始まりました! もぎたての新鮮な果物も堪能!1日のスタートにうってつけのアクティビティだと思いました。続くセッションは農園のヘッドでもあるチャンさんのお話です。自分たちができる簡単なことから始めて自然を守るというテーマのお話でした。暮らしを変える4つのステップとしてチャンさんがおっしゃったのは、1)考え方を変える 2)ライフスタイルを変える 3)社会システムを変える 4)文明を変える でした。最後にハングル語で「3000本の木を植えた人は天国にいく」とおっしゃったのが印象的でした。

After having our lunch, we went to Korean War Historical Site: Eulji Observatory, Punch Bowl and 4th Tunnel. Eulji Observatory is a place that allows tourist to see a close-up to North-Korea. It is built near the DMZ about 1 km south from the Military Demarcation Line. We also can see the Punch Bowl from the observatory very clearly. After that we went to 4th Tunnel. It was discovered on March 3, 1990 and located 1,200 m from the Military Demarcation Line. When we went inside of the tunnel, we can only go till 100 m toward North. There is a German shepherd dog statue beside the entrance of the tunnel. The dog is helping with the initial discovery of the tunnel and it passed away after stepping the landmine.

Afterward, we came back and we had a reflection session led by group 1. Even though everyone is tired from the sightseeing of historical site, they fully participated in the reflection session. Then, it is time for us to have our delicious supper! After having a long day, we had a chance to enjoy the Korean style sauna at night. Everyone is having a good time and playing Korean games in the sauna! What a good way to end a long day!